A decent entry-level MRI machine made by MRI Machine Manufacturers has priced at about Rs 5 Crores. The more advanced MRI machines cost more. The coil in each machine is priced at Rs 25-30 Lakhs. You need an Air conditioning system continuously when these machines are operating. The upkeep of the machine’s costs around 2 lakhs a month. The MRI Coils are cooled with liquid helium which is required to be replenished sporadically and it costs Rs 12 lakhs. Added to that all fixtures want to be MRI well-matched or else they will form missiles and stick to the magnet. This is both unsafe and if you need to eliminate the missile stuck to the magnet you have to remove the helium. Add to the costs is the pay of the nurses, technicians, and doctors and the costs of running the department.
Therefore, the cost per MRI scan is Rs 6000-15000 which though on the costly side is reasonable compared to costs in developed nations overseas. Only there the cost is mitigated as the insurance company picks up the tab.
Buy this medical equipment from our MRI Machine Suppliers which is listed on the Hospital Product Directory.
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